I read his article. Thanks for pointing it out.

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Your tariff argument is incomplete at best. Read Michael Pettis, starting with https://www.foreignaffairs.com/united-states/how-tariffs-can-help-america then his articles on Carnegie Endowment site.

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Good post felt a little biased to be honest but nevertheless all logical points.

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Some very good points to consider. The scope is narrow and slightly biased however. A good read that stimulated a response, but it is better to let it germinate.

One point I would like to make: it is the "threat" of tariffs as a negotiation tool and not necessarily tariffs that carry weight. But, I do like the approach...it is logical and effective.

We all are faced with some powerful new trends in AI, crumbling, ancient financial systems, and geopolitical birth pangs.

We as individuals are responsible for our own decisions as to how we align with emerging technology; governments will need to do the same. The spoils go to the winner in this regard.

I appreciate the good read. Thanks Paul!

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